
Raise Auto Insurance Rates, After given a Quote

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I have recently had an accident where i was ruled at fault. My auto insurance went up so i decided to get quotes on line to find a better company for my insurance. My question is, if i were to go with a company that gave me a on line quote, knowing of my accident, is there any way they could raise my rates later because of the known incident? Thanks.




  1. For automobile insurance the most efficient way to get a great quote is do a rate comparison on auto policies. Make sure that you pick similar options with the same limits, car make, location, etc so that all things are an accurate comparison.

    What I most often recommend is an online comparison quote at since they have big name insurers and will give several prices on car insurance polices.

  2. When you actually purchase the policy, chances are they will run your driving record. Based on that, if there are any violations or accidents that were not initially rated on your premiums, the company will adjust your rates accordingly.

    And remember, what you received online is just a Quote, an estimate of what it will cost, its not set in stone that that will be your final cost for insurance.

  3. yes, and it probably will.  they don't do an MVR or CLUE search and do not pull credit on these sites.  I have people everyday come in my office upset that they got a quote and it came in higher.  go to a  local agent in your area.  they will be able to give you an ACCURATE quote.  its always good to have a local agent so if and when you need help there is an actual person who is familiar with your file and needs.

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