
Racial profiling - pros and cons?

by  |  earlier

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After you have put aside your knee-jerk reaction to this, would you please provide reasons why it should be used (accountability, for example), and against it (i.e. divisiveness)?

Just asking, keeping the debate alive people.




  1.  This is not being racist, just making sure things are as safe as they can be. If you get onto a plane and see a group of Muslim males sitting down the aisle, obviously you are going to be nervous. 16 of the 19 hijackers on September 11, 2001 were Arab- males from Saudi Arabia. There have also been many other acts of terrorism preformed by people with the same description. So, instead of wasting your time scanning 3 year old white or Asian girls, and making 90 year old ladies get out of wheelchairs to go through a detector, you should go where the money is and pull aside the people fitting these descriptions. I'm 14 freakin years old and if all you liberal democrats out there don't see the importance of racial profiling..... let's just say you need to start listening to Rush, Hannity, and Mark Levin. Feel free to do research, interviews, and make up stories. Then come back here, leave me a comment, and tell me why I'm wrong. If possible.

  2. well im not being racist or anything but most racial profiling goes against blacks. im white and i have a lot of friends that aren't the same "color" as me. but i dont get why most people pick out the black person to do the crime when there are white and hispanic people out there that are just as guilty as they are.

  3. Some pros to racial profiling are..
    that it is more effective, time effecient, and less expensive than just doing random searches because the profile fits the person commiting the crime.

    You look for crime where it is most committed

    It reduces crime rate. By arresting people that committ the crimes most it reduces the rate at which crime is committed in a certain area and by certain people.

  4. this is really g*y

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