
Problems with cheek pierceing?

by  |  earlier

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My wife has had her cheek pierced for abouy two months. Everything was fine except the ball kept getting unscrewed on its own. So she went to another piercer, bought another ball, and that guy put it on so tight, that now the ball will not come off, even though we need it off now. It is so tight, that now her skin closed over the back, her cheek is infected and bleeding.What should we do now?




  1. Go back to your piercer right away to have it looked at. It sounds like the jewelry was too short. I would not suggest trying to remove it yourself, as you can tear the skin further and cause more damage.  

  2. use hydro peroxide to get rid of infection also clean at night  with warm salt water and inside mouth and make sure you dry area

    also return to the shop for the person to remove or loosen ball should be done free of charge  

  3. Go back to the first place and have them loosen it..then clean it with H2Ocean

  4. Go to the Doctor!!!!! It sounds like it's badly infected!

  5. Run.. get help. Her face is falling off.

  6. go to a piercer and get their help. They will be able to safely remove the jewelry.

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