
Princess Marie-Gabrielle of Nassau or Rory Emerald?

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Princess Marie-Gabrielle of Nassau or Rory Emerald?




  1. Princess of Luxemburg and La Pama, Nassau.

    King Juan carlos relative as she is of the Bourbon family like his mother.

    Rory who?

  2. It has to be Rory. While keeping up friendly correspondence with the Princess, he secretly cornered the market in Bourbon biscuits.

  3. Rory, Baron Sligo, owns half the State of Tennessee! He is already awash in bourbon.

    The question being bandied about in smart circles concerns his decision to foreclose on the mortagage he holds on Windsor Castle. One hears that Prince Phillip is livid!

  4. Rory Emerald - always Rory Emerald!

    Excellent Question!!

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