
Pokemon fire red glitches?

by  |  earlier

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  1. u need to beat the e4 when u have 60 pokemon in your dex then go to oak and he will give a national dex. go to island 1 and talk to the dude thats fixing the machine he will ask you to get him a gem from mt ember. do as he askes. when u get there 2 rocket members will fight u. kick there butts and they will move revealing a cave. go in the cave and search for a gem. take it back to the lab place and the dude will give u a rainbow pass. that gives u acsess to islands 4,5,6,7.

                            happy cheating!

  2. Dude 'guest' get the ruby and celio will give you his rainbow pass to islands 4567. the sapphire is..i forget.

  3. Catch 60 pokemon in your pokemon in your pokedex.
    Talk to Celio on one island.  He says he needs a gem. go up to MT. Ember, and check EVERYWHERE For two team rocket members.  Kick their asses and go inside.
    There is a ruby at the bottom. Grab it and give it to Celio.  He gives you a rainbow pass to go to island 4-7 along with 1-3.

  4. how do i get to 4 island i need help is ive already bet the elite 4

  5. there aren't any cheats that can help you

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