
Please this is urgent!! I need help with a Geometry question immediately!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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The problem is:

You are building a swimming pool in the shape of a circle with a diameter of 28 feet. You also need a deck around the pool that is uniform in width. If the area of the deck is 60 (pi sign) square feet, what is the width of the deck?

Please explain how you do it and please answer if you know how to do this, it's urgent!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. the radius of the pool is 14

    Total area (deck and pool) = pi(R)^2 = pi(r)^2 + 60pi

    R is the distance from the center of the pool to the outer edge of the deck.  r is the radius of the pool.

    Divide by pi...

    R^2 = r^2 + 60

    R = sqrt(14^2 + 60) = sqrt (256) = 16

    Keeping in mind that R = r + w

    where w is the width of the deck...

    16 = 14 + w

    the width of the deck is only 2 feet.  (ANSWER)

    Take care,


  2. area of the pool is 14^2 (pi).

    area of pool + deck = (14^2 + 60) (pi)

    radius of (pool+deck)--> pi r^2 = ([7^2*2^2]+[2^2*15]) (pi)

    r^2 = 4(49+15) = 4 (64)

    r = 2*8 = 16

    Radius of pool = 14

    width of deck = radius of pool + deck -  radius of pool

    -->16-14 = 2ft

  3. this consists of two CONCENTRIC circles one circle is the pool , the other is the deck

    the area of the pool is 196pi sq units

    the area of deck alone is 60pi

    => area of  deck +pool=256sq units which is the are of the bigger CONCENTRIC circle

    therefore radius of the bigger circle is 16

    implies the width of deck = radius of bigger circle - radius of pool= 2 feet

  4. 16 feet

  5. Total area - area of pool = area of deck

    pi (14+x)^2 - pi(14)^2 =60 pi

    divide through by pi

    (14+x)^2 - (14)^2 =60

    196 +28x +x^2 -196=60

    x^2 +28x -60=0


    x=-30  not possible


  6. 7

  7. Geometry could be used as a punishment for witches in the middle ages.... **** it...  

  8. OK, there is a swimming pool with area = π * 14 ^ 2 = 196π sq. feet.

    Around it you layed a pool deck (like a circular disk surrounding the the pool)

    Area of deck = Area of Outer circle - Area Inner Circle

    60π = π * outer radius^2 - 196π

    => 60 = outer radius ^ 2 - 196

    => outer radius = 16 feet

    Now width of the deck is Outer radius - Inner radius = 16 - 14 = 2 feet = Answer.

    I hope you understood this clear and obvious solution.

  9. Let x be the width of the deck, then

    the area is the circular between radius 14 ft and 14 + x ft

    Area 60 pi = pi ( (14 + x)^2 - 14^2 )

      60 = 28x + x^2

    x^2 + 28x - 60 = 0

    x^2 + 28x + 196 - 60 - 196 = 0

    (x + 14)^2 = 256

    x + 14 = +/- 16 (exclude -16)

    x = 2

    It's 2 ft wide

  10. I'm 25 yrs old and failed math all the way through high school. i have a 7th grade math level. sounds like chinese to me. all you need in life is basic math. addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. and how to count money. anything harder,  that's why they made calculators. sorry couldn't help.  

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