
Please help i think i am bipolar???

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can someone please help me? ok actually im pretty sure i am bipolar but... idk wat i should do im 15 and ive suspected this for about 1-2 yrs but idk wat to do its horrible because i have a hard time cotroling it ive chipped a tooth twice and left multiplle injurys on myself to keep from hurting others wheni have an "episode" its very bad i even once left a hand print around my little sisters arm on acident when i was babysitting her because she hit me and i told her to quit and she wouldnt stay in her timeout for the way she acted i really didnt mean to and i didnt even think i was barly touching her because the anger overwelmes me and i cant tell my strenght or any thing i also beat up my cuson for something she said to me and i couldnt help it plz what should i do? only my 1 friend nos that i think this




  1. Honestly, if you think you are bipolar, whether you actually are or not, it's best to see a doctor or therapist and discuss it.  Even if you're 15, you can contact the mental health department in your town and ask for help, or if you're in school, you can talk to the guidance counselor- he or she will be able to help you find someone who can help out.  They will normally have programs available to help cover costs even if you do not have insurance to pay.  

    It's important that you get an accurate diagnosis, and medication, if needed, for the appropriate treatment.  It could also be a chemical imbalance, or one of several other things besides bipolar disorder causing the behavior and feelings you describe.

    People sometimes do not realize that bipolar disorder can actually be a progressive illness- what that means is that if you have it, it does not mean that it will stay the can actually get worse, and happen more frequently and last longer, and the sooner you know for sure what the problem is, the sooner you can get help.

    Please make sure you contact a professional as soon as possible, or get an adult that you trust to help you do so.  Untreated mental illnesses of any kind can be very dangerous, and most of the time, if you get the help you need, it will make your life much better, and much easier.

  2. don't diagnose yourself, let a doctor tell you whats wrong and how to stop the problem.

  3. if its only anger than i dont think its bipoler. bipoler people also have extremly happy and sad and depressed moods. just becasue you get angry from happy easily doesnt explain it all. you are very lucky. you dont want it. my cousin has it and she is so happy sometimes and then she gets really depressed at the drop of a hat. i am serious. you should go see a counsilour about your anger problems.

  4. I don't think you are bipolar. Bipolar disorder is extreme feelings of happiness and feelings of extreme sadness at different times. Anger is not specifically characteristic of biopolar disorder. Typically when feeling depressed you won't get out of bed or feel like doing anything. When you are feeling happy you have increased energy and are very active. It sounds to me like you have anger issues. Either way I would talk to your doctor.  

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