
Physics specific heat?

by  |  earlier

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It takes 210 cal to raise the temperature of 370 g of lead from 0 to 20 C. What is the specific heat of lead in units of kcal/kg K ?

I the answer is .13 but I have tried everything but cannot get it. I know that you use c= (Q/m*deltaT)




  1. 255700

  2. I'd rather work in SI units, but I'll give it a try.

    210 cal = 0.21 kcal

    370g = 0.37 kg

    0.21 = Sh (kcal/kg K) x 0.37 kg x 20C

    Sh = 0.21 / (0.37*20) = 0.0284 is correct unless you mistyped it.

    references :  0.0305 cal/gC = .0305 kcal/kgC

    which is close to the value I got.

    I have no idea where you got 0.13

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