
Parachute Playtime?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so thanks for whoever it is that helped with the name.. But... Okay I got like 4 plastic cups: red, green, clear, and another clear. I matted the first bottom three-- red, green, and clear in that order-- with cotton-balls and mini-pom-poms. The fourth one I filled almost completely. I WILL place an egg into it SOON. So I took a few strings and tied them to this handkercheif-- to make a parachute, you know? Well -- it's a whole lot harder than you think. It took me several HOURS to do this... I know-- creepy laborious. Anyway I dropped it from a flight of stairs into the waiting arms of my partner.

It didn't work.

So... What should I do? Thanks for answering people! Please don't put any bad answers that don't really relate to the question because that will just result in a thumbs-down. -_- Yeah, I'm talkin' t' you. U-huh. K ttly public! =)




  1. When I did this I used a triangle shape that I placed my egg in and some cotton balls.  It worked, but it depends on what you are limited too.  I am a teacher and when we did this the students were only allowed to use straws, popsicle sticks, a meter of tape, and some tissue paper....I'm sure there were something else I just cant remember.

  2. I think that too much air might be going through your handkerchief and adding too much drag.  You could try tissue paper or plastic.  If you had longer strings it might help as there will be more room for the air and the bigger the better on the tissue or plastic piece.
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