
Oral herpes outbreak and had oral s*x, chances of transmission?

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I acquired a herpes simplex one outbreak on/in my mouth and had oral s*x that day before they popped up. How possible is transmission? we both have taken medications in case it is. (Valtrex). We have been together for 2 years. Wouldn't something have already came up if he was going to get it since I carry the virus? Any input would be great.




  1. It's totally possible. Just because the outbreak isn't visible doesn't mean it can't  be transmitted.

  2. Theres not really a big chance because simplex one is really just cold sores.  

  3. check a reputible site like CDC or Mayo clinic instead of on here where every joker can put his/her 2 cents in.....I do believer the virus can cross over from oral to genital but I have no idea what the odds are....

  4. Yep.  It would be almost 100%.  Like already mentioned, the virus could have been in transmitted a year ago, but you may not see an outbreak for years, or ever.  I think it takes a lot for someone to be with someone who has Herpes.  I have great respect for both of you.  

  5. No, he wouldn't necessarily have it already.

    My boyfriend got cold sores, it took SEVEN YEARS of him giving me oral s*x for me to catch it. And when he did infect me, he didn't actually have a cold sore. Like you, we were well aware that there was a risk when he had a cold sore, when he was getting one or when it was healing. We just weren't aware he could also spread it when he had NO symptoms. He didn't have any symptoms either before or after infecting me for months.

    There is a risk you were infectious. If you did give it to him, he would generally notice symptoms within 2-7 days - normally about 4-5.

    Him taking medication would NOT prevent him contracting it.

    Since 80% of people have oral hsv-1, and four out of five of them caught it as children and have no symptoms as an adult, there is a high chance that he already had it prior to his relationship with you. If he did have it orally already, his risk of catching it genitally would be extremely low - and you could stop worrying so much. A person who has it orally produces antibodies which usually prevent an infection with hte same virus in a second place.

    He can take a simple blood test, which would tell you if he has had it for over 3-6 months. If he was positive, he probably caught it as a kid like most do and you could set your mind at rest a bit. Definitely worth it.

  6. if you knowingly carry the virus you shouldn't infect others.

  7. Herpes can lay dormant for years and years before it pops up again.  

    It is very likely you did transmit herpes if you had an outbreak and gave oral s*x, but not 100%.

    Not that big of a deal.  Most people have herpes....just not me.

  8. from what ive heard the herpes virus will never die it stays with you dormant for life, so yes it can pass on again.


    Herpes is like a speed bump for your mouth.

    It's like your mouth is ribbed for his pleasure.

  10. most definerly yes

  11. 110% of getting screwed, good luck

  12. 100% chance.

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