
Next Supreme Court Justice?

by Guest61195  |  earlier

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There are several Supreme Court Justices that are of retirement age. These are our country's true lawmakers and our president chooses these judges. Should any of them need to be replaced, who would you prefer was making this critical choice, a Republican or a Democrat?




  1. Depends on the Republican or Democrat.

    Personally, I'd prefer a more neutral pick with Roe v Wade completely eliminated from the discussion.  It's not the only issue a Supreme Court justice will ever have to decide.

    I'm not sure either of the candidates would run to the extreme, but having the White House and Congress controlled by different parties would be more likely to produce a more moderate nomination.

  2. The Constitution is a living Document, Look at Radical Muslims and even fanatic Christians to see what happens when written words that never evolve rules a people. That being said, i think that we need Justices That understand that the Law cannot be allowed to be applied in a vacuum, it must be part of our society, not separate from our society,so I would not want a rigid conservative choosing the members of this court, as it may set the growth of our society back.

  3. Conservative Republican

  4. A Democrat.  The GOP ticket has already said they are firmly pro-life and that would be something that will be addressed by the  court again and again - and has had split results. We cannot afford that. Also the first amendment - separation of church and state - there are issues that are addressed that a court appointed by someone with extreme right views as McCain has had of late that would endanger the freedom to pursue the religion or non-religion of choice for those of us who are not Christian, without it being forced on  us in schools and other public venues.

    I'm not totally for the Liberal view on gun control\2nd amendment, but I am sure I no matter what I will always be able to have my guns for hunting and even for protection - just those who really should not have them in the first place will find them a bit harder to come by.  

  5. A Republican. Democrats tend to make laws rather than interpret the law.

  6. A conservative whoever that would be.

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