
Need to convert bulk propane to propane bottles.

by Guest59965  |  earlier

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I need to convert a device for a homemade gas turbine from 20lb propane tank to 1lb bottles. I don't want to do this, but I just moved into an apartment and it's illegal to have propane, so I don't want to drive around with a 20lb propane tank in my car.

What i need it a converter to convert the bulk regulator to take propane from a 1lb bottle, I cannot find it anywhere. I can find ones that convert appliances from bottles to bulk, but no the other way around.

I could also use bottles if I can find a high pressure regulator for bottles. I have one for the 20lb tank, but I need a high flow rate. Anyone have any suggestions or know where I can get what I need?




  1. I have a product that will do that and I found this website where you can get one like mine:

    It even has the instructions on the website. I think I got mine at Harbor Freight Tools.

  2. "Its illegal to have propane" So you want to break the law??? I wouldn't want to be your neighbor.

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