
Need answers ASAP about School...?

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I'm starting school TOMMORROW and I need to know what a good schedule for me would be. I have after-school activities Monday-Friday, hang out with friends only on Fridays and Saturdays, no boyfriend. Please include specific details. Thanks!




  1. Ok, let's see if this plan will help you.

    The night before:

    -Pack your back-pack, or put all of your supplies, and books (including homework!) together near the door, or in a non-busy location.

    -Pick out your outfit, and get it ready.

    -Go to bed at a reasonable time.

    Get up an hour earlier than the time you need to get on the bus, or walk to school.  This hour should be used for:

    -Taking a shower.

    -Fixing hair, putting on make-up (I believe your a girl), getting ready as for appearance.

    -Eating breakfast.

    ::: You won't need to worry about running around for your homework, or books ready... you already did last night!

    Complete all after-school activities, and then return home.

    Once home, sit down (turn off cell phone, TV, and iPod!), and do your homework.  

    After you do your homework  (doesn't take long at all!) you have the rest of the day to do whatever you want!

    And... we are at the beginning.  Follow this routine and High School will be a breeze!

  2. Mkae sure you put school first. If you have a study hall you might be able to finish most of your homework. Then you will have after-school activities. If you have all your work done and have extra time maybe call some friends or make plans to hangout.  Dont put too much work on your shoulders you need time to have fun too!


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