
NEW <span title="MOTHERS............................?">MOTHERS.....................</span>

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i am due to give birth to our FIRST little girl in about 5 weeks, i don't want to admit I'm scared but i am, FIRSTLY i want to be the BEST parents in the whole world, and i know we will be, it's just i don't want to hurt her or hold her the wrong way or not know what she is crying about, and i know that it will take time to get in the rhythm of things but was anyone else scared about being first time mothers, i know that it will come natural, i just want her to be PERFECT and us as parents be perfect too!!! Thanks




  1. There isn&#039;t such a thing as prefect parents.It is very normal to be nervous though but as long as you take care of baby and put him/her first-you will be great parents.Enjoy every minute it flies by &amp; go with your gut :)..

  2. With my first child I felt the exact same as you. I was young, never really held a baby before and had no clue even how to change a diaper! As soon as she was born a lot of it did come naturally, and everything I really didn&#039;t know the nurses showed me. You will eventually learn the cries of your baby, and know exactly what they want by the sound of the cry. My fiance still wonders how I do it and our baby is 6 months old.

  3. There is no such thing as a perfect parent. The sooner you learn that, the sooner you can relax. It&#039;s a learning process, and you are going to make mistakes. Trust your instincts and you will be just fine.  

  4. Well congrats on your baby who gonna come soon to this world and don&#039;t worry, you will do just fine. every new mommy worry when it comes to how to raise thier first child. I was like that with my oldest. I was so scared that I might hurt my baby. with my baby who I had recently, I still get scared on how to deal with.

  5. I&#039;m a daddy of 3 and EVERYONE was scared!  Don&#039;t worry; you&#039;ll know what to do.  Example; baby wakes up crying.  Automatically, you start lactating.  So, you got two problems screaming baby and you&#039;re doing an imitation of a firehose.  Natural solution - put the two together and BADABOOM - you&#039;re being a successful mommy!

    You&#039;ll be OK...and so will the baby.

  6. As long as you love your child, which you will you need not worry about these things, you will have all kinds of people to help you and the nurses at the hospital will give you a few pointers!

  7. My wife is scared too. She is having our first in November. I have other kids. Ok scared is natural. You remember your first roller coaster? How scary and imposing and overwhelming it seemed? Yup! That&#039;s the same gut tightening muscle clinching, sphincter closing, nervous feeling you get when u think about becoming a parent for the first time. But if you just relax and trust your instincts and enjoy the ride it becomes something you look forward to doing again and again and again. It&#039;s been going on since the beginning of time mama...and we seem to be doing just fine. Babies have been born in times of war and famine and pestilence and yet they survive. Their born in the desert of Egypt and in the sub zero tundras of they adjust. If their born in Alaska they get used to the cold and they don&#039;t die. If their born in Egypt they don&#039;t overheat they just adjust. And so will you and your hubby. Good luck.

  8. Focus on being GOOD parents, not perfect ones. If you expect perfection from yourself, you&#039;ll eventually be disappointed.

    Impending parenthood carries with it so many emotions...fear, joy, apprehension, uncertainty, happiness...every first-time parent is also a little scared. And you pretty much answered your own question: it will take a little time to get into the rhythm of things. But when you do, it will be second nature. It gets easier as the days go by.

    When you hold your baby for the first time, you&#039;ll know what to do. You can be confident that you won&#039;t hurt her...your touch and closeness is what she will want and expect, so you will be holding her a lot.

    One piece of advice: the first few weeks are stressful. Having a new baby is a major life change, especially when you&#039;re simultaneously recovering from childbirth and pregnancy. Try to relish this period, however...they are only that tiny once in their lives, and before you know it, your daughter will be grown. Enjoy the newborn stage while it lasts!

    Best of luck and congrats!

  9. You can be the best parent you can be by being there for her, loving her and educating yourself by reading everything you can.  

    I was scared to give birth...all 4 times.

    It seems like it would be hard to hold your baby when shes born. But its really not. It can be more of a challenge trying to change the diaper while the legs are running. Or when she decides to go pee while you are in the middle of the change.

    Relax and think about how you will remember the first few minutes, hours and days. They will come and go before your eyes.

  10. im not really sure what the question is.. but every new mom has those fears.. youll notice that it will just come to u naturally.. and the older she gets.. the more comfortable youll be come... once u get into some kind of routine.. its like its always been that way.. congradulations and good luck :) being scared puts u on the right track to being a prefect parent.. shows u care :)

  11. well you can&#039;t be perfect!! no one can be!! but you do sound like you will be a wonderful happy loving mama!! congrats on your sweet precious gift!! and I am sure you guys will be amazing parents together!!

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