
My v****a was burniing when i pee,now it doesnt burn really anymore, but it does itch...?

by Guest33619  |  earlier

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it just started, and it burned when i peed for a few days, and not it just itches, and when i looked at it i had some sort of scrtches... is it just the scratches? or what? and could it deal with me never really wearing underwear unless im wearing a skirt?




  1. yeast infection maybe?

    you have to make an app. with your doctor, he'll tell you

  2. Well lorin you have what is called a yeast infection you need to go to walmart by over the counter medication for the yeast infection make sure you get the box that has cream and a pill it is either 2 pills or I but you need that and for the next 5 to 7 days wear some panties just while you have this infection and clean really good between doses of cream and every time you use the bathroom was after with warm water and a little bit of soap not much but keep that area clean and dry!

  3. The burning can be an std or a yeast infection or dehydration. Since there aremarkings near there, its most likely an std or a yeast infection. Well, if you arent sexually active then it cant be an std. I would deffinately check with your doctor. Good Luck!

    Hope that helped!!! :D

  4. seriously sounds like herpes...i have it and thats how it acts. so i would go get a test. or you could be lucky and just really have a scratch thats healing lol. you know wounds do itch when they start to heal...

  5. yeast infection and minor uti see dr it should be checked monostat is good for yeast but burning pee could be seriusly minor  uti so get checked

  6. It could be a yeast infection.  Those are symptoms of that type of problem.  

    Check with your doctor for the first instance of this to be sure.  It could be something else.  If a yeast infection is the case, and you have similar problems in the future you can go right ahead and start an over the counter med like Monistat to help yourself.  

    good luck to you!

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