
My two year old has a rash..?

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My two year old daughter has had a rash on her lower back and inner things for over a month now. They are little red bumbs that look like pimples and some actually get heads on them. I just started a new doctor and she is terrified of him, so he cannot get a good look at them. I bathe her every night, she's potty training so she doesn't have wet diapers, and at night I use butt paste and nighttime pullups. I have tried baby powder, vaseline, and her babysitter even told me to use mens deodorant. Nothing works effectively, please if you have any suggestions let me know. Thanks!




  1. I'm not sure what it is... but doctor needs to look even if she is terrified.  Just reassure her, and hold her close to you, while he looks at her back.  In the meantime, use aquaphor, its hypoallergenic and helps the skin keep moisture while locking out bad stuff.  Its like Vaseline, but recommended by pediatricians.  My daughter has eczema (which doesn't sound like what yours has) and it works well, with itching and getting worse.  It might be a yeast infection, which is easily fixed with some cream.  

  2. I have tried many things on my lil girl since she was born, & a few things that you might be amazed by, worked for her. 1) for diaper rash - Destin Clear. 2) Eczema - Avon skin so soft. 3) face pimples (like when their first born) pierced ear cleaning solution from Walmart. 4)cuts & scrapes - spray Bactine. Its weird how some of the strangest/or most common things work. So with that being said.....I would try maybe something simple like changing her bath soap, or chang the brand of pullups. Then if that don't work maybe try one of the things I just listed. Hope you find a solution soon.

  3. It may be the pull ups at night time.  Try taking her to the bathroom in the middle of the night and make sure you change her first thing in the morning and wash her skin off.  Pull ups..particularly the no names and then the feel wet kind..can allow urine to sit on the skin.  Try that.      

  4. it's a yeast infection, use anti-fungal cream and it should disappear

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