
My son is 11 and wets the bed?

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I've tried to get him to wear goodnites but he said no,what do I do?




  1. He may need testing for Diabetes.

    Take him to the Doctor.

    Good luck

  2. take him to a docter first, and if he says nothing is wrong then start telling him that if he continues to wet the bed then he'll clean it up.

    remind him to always go to the bathroom before bed and not to drink anything around bedtime. maybe get up in the middle of the night to go?

  3. Please dont worry to much.. my brother was 15 when he stopped bedwetting and is now 17 and hasnt done it since

  4. Have u taken him to the drs to see if there is a medical reason as to why he is wetting the bed? And if u have and there is no medical reason, then have u had him in counseling? there has to be a reason as to why he is doing this. And does he have anything to drink before bedtime? if he does, then I would suggest not to let him drink anything at least 2 hrs before bedtime to see if that helps. Good luck

  5. I had the same problem,  It's quite common, as I am finding out.  What I did was not have him drink after 7pm, made sure he went to the bathroom.  If he wet himself, I would make him clean up after himself and put his sheets in the laundry and put on clean ones.  That year, we were going away on vacation and told him if he didn't stop wetting the bed, he would have to stay with grandma & grandpa for the vacation.  We didn't want him to wet the bed at the rental house.  Three strikes of wetting the bed and he could not go.  Well, let me tell you, he was on strike two and never made it to strike three.  Thank God!  He got to go on vacation with us, didn't wet the bed and never wet the bed again.  What a miracle!!  So sometimes threats do work, if nothing medical is going on.

  6. I am 13. I still wet the bed. My mom put a plastc sheet on my bed. She also makes me wear goodnites. She tells me they are not diapers and no one will know I have them on. I have to wear the goodnites. I also have a cousin who is 14 and one who is 12. They both pee the bed like me. There mom has them were Select brand disposable underwear. My cousin Joey who is 12 refused to put them on one time cause he did not wet the bed the previous night so his parents put a real diaper on him. The kind with the tapes on the side.

  7. Take him to the doctor. There may be a biological reason for it with a medical solution. If not, then your doctor can refer you to a specialist.

  8. I am sure he is embarrassed even if he is your son. Does he stay up late? Some times kids that stay up really late do that because they sleep so heavy. Maybe he is having sleep problems and doesn't fall to sleep till late. You should tell him that it is a serious problem and you just want to help him and find out what the cause could be. He could be dealing with some emotional problems. Also if he going through a growth spurt his bladder could be having a hard time keeping up with his growth. Wetting the bed is just symptom you need to find out the cause. In the mean time just get some extra sheets and a vinyl bed liner.Then he won't feel like he is wearing a diaper. Getting him up about 3 hours after he falls to sleep every night so he can go to the toilet will help him too so he will get use to getting up later without you having to tell him.

  9. real diaper then get the diaper on then duct tape the real  diaper togther so he would take off, of course you have to change him no bigge

  10. I would say at his age it is time to start making him clean his own mess up and I would imagine that he will be done wetting the bed very soon.

  11. There are bed liners that they use  in hospitals and nursing homes go ask the pharmacy if not Try  Dr. Leonard's America's leading on-line health catalog Water proof bed pad. Don't let him have any drinks 2 hours before bedtime and wake him once if he still continues,  twice a night and take him to the bathroom.

  12. If he is wetting the bed every night then it is time to talk the doctor and it may be that it is not his choice to not wear good nights and if he chooses not to make him clean the sheets don't help him.  That means show him once how to work the machines then every time he does it he needs to wash and dry the sheets.  

    My sister has a bed wetting problem because of a decease and yes se a first did not want to wear goodnites.  So my mom made her clean her own sheets after a month she started wearing them.

  13. If you haven't already. Talk to your doctor about this and have your son checked. There are medications to reduce or prevent wetting the bed. However, medications do have some risk and side affects. If he won't wear "protection". I hope you are protecting the bed with a plastic sheet. Other than that. Make him responsible for cleaning up, washing the sheets etc..

  14. try a bedwetting alarm, it worked for us!!!!   pain free!!!!  drama free!!!!

    also, check with doctor to rule out physical causes

  15. Please do not embarass him.  It might not be his fault.  I was a lot older then him and still wetting the bed.  My parents thought I was lazy and put a diaper on me at 12 one night.  I was so humiliated.  Do not do that to your son.  Stop the drinks after 6 pm.  Make sure he goes to the bathroom before bedtime.  You might not like this but get up at 2 am every morning to have him go to the bathroom.  After about a week or two, he should be able to get up on his own.  Or you can go to a medical supply store and buy an alarm that goes off when his underpants get wet and this wakes him up.  This worked for my nephew when he was about 9 or 10.  He only needed to wear it for about a week.   Please be very sensitive about this situation.  It's not like he wants to wake up with urine soaked clothing.  He's not lazy.   I hope this works out for you and him.  Good Luck

  16. Try making him go to the bathroom before bed, thats what my Mom made me do when I was 5.

  17. My oldest wet until 13. Doctors said he was big for his age, but his bladder was not, at 9. He did all his own sheets from 10 on. and we supported him 100%. On vacations, or sleeping in the car, we got him up and made sure he went. He outgrew goodnights around 9, and didn't like how they fit. Plus, he was a heavy wetter, always was. The goodnights were only good for one pee. If he went twice or more they leaked, and he would be upset. Make him responsible, give lots of love& talk about it when he wants to, and don't punish. No 11 year old wets his bed on purpose, trust me. Soon it will go away. Puberty seems to fix this.

  18. put him in a real diaper....then he can't get it off by'll have to change him though and i know neither of you will enjoy that...but hey

  19. Dont force him to wear one.Try getting a rubber sheet for the mattress.Is he wetting every night?

  20. It depends on how often this happens.My 11 year old son wets the bed every blue moon. I just tell him to clean up after himself because I know it's only temporary.If it happens quite often it could be  a bladder problem.I pretty sure he's embarrassed just be supportive and see a doctor.

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