
My Staffie has a stitch in his paw and won't allow anybody to remove it...?

by  |  earlier

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My staffie had a tumor removed between his toes under his paw. There is still a stitch in it and he doesn't allow anybody to remove it. We have been to the Vet to remove it but the dog is too scared of Vet and I have even tried while he is sleeping to take it out. Can I leave it in the paw or is it dangerous - what other option do I have...




  1. Most stitches if they get wet will dissolve or just come out on their own. I don't think this will hurt your dog...although it may be a little uncomfortable if it sticks them. If it is a dissovlable stick try soaking her paw in some water or letting her play in the bathtub or a pool or something. Good Luck.


  2.   I don't understand why your vet can't handle this dog - sounds as if you need a new vet.  

    There are fast acting anesthetics and sedatives these days that will allow a vet about 20 minutes or so to perform procedure, and that is what is needed here.

    If the vet your are currently using for this dog cannot accomplish this small task, I would hesitate to think what would happen if there was anything major wrong with him - you need to seek out a more capable practitioner.

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