
My Friend's younger sister?

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i posted this yesterday its on like page 30 now, I'm after more insight

i have a friend who has a sister who has started at our school this year. When first introduced on the first day of school this year i said hi, was polite and thought nothing of her then she was placed in my home room and for the first week i didn't even know which one she was. as the first week of the 2008 school year passed i noticed her looking at me quite a bit and thought maybe she'd developed a crush on me which i thought was cute. one night as i walking to get the train home i was met by my friend and his sister (the girl) and i properly spoke to her for the first time. Her mother goes to my mum's work sometimes and one night my mum came home telling me the girls mum came in and spoke non stop about me and things me and the girl do at school which made me think that the girl must go home and speak about me. after a few weeks me and the girl starting speaking everyday and for she started catching the train with me and her brother and a friendship beetween us began to blossom and at times seemed like she would find almost any excuse to talk to me although this was only when her brother was around in home room we did speak but she was a bit stand offish still as time went on she began to feel more comfortable around me and we got closer (physically) she would walk really close to me and things got gradually closer and closer like she always whispers things to me and stuff. As the situation stands right now i speak to her everyday i speak to her online, i dont even wait for her brother after school we just walk ahead without him and i must admit im becoming fond of her in home room now we sometimes sit face to face across my desk and only speak to each other. Im not attracted to her but i just want to be around her and i get upset if she dosent speak to me i cant make a move beacause there is a an age difference of 4 years i know that sounds so wrong but from what i've written can you blame me she has given so much flattering attention how could i not feel something back like i said im not going to be inapropriate and make a move because i cant i just dont know if i should tell her what i feel and its bothering me not being able to say it because if she was older i would have no problem telling her. if your just going to tell me im sick or something dont bother beacause there is nothing you can say that i havent already thought.




  1. You have not said how old either one of you are. If you are 16 and she is only 12 there could be a problem. Let her grow up a bit first.


    YOU DIE.

  3. If you're not attracted to her, what's the issue?

    You're not sick if you're worried about sounding sick. It doesn't sound like you're robbing the cradle.

    If you're worried she's getting the wrong idea, talk to her. You said you talked online... you can tell her there that you're not interested in a relationship like that. It's easier than talking in person. ;)

    Good luck!

  4. ......four years isnt that much how old is she and u........ unles she is like 4 or something then u have to wait until she gets older....or some1 will call u a lolicon....

  5. aww thats so cute lol. um... it got a bit confussing at the end when u said u wern't attracted to her but u might go out with her. just tell her how u  feel and tell her that u think  theres to much of an age difference for anythng to happen and see what happens. i'm sure most girls would agree with me wen i say that she would proberly prefer if u were honesty. hope this helps!  

  6. 4 years is not really that much. me and my fiance are 4 years apart and we are great together. It is not inappropriate if her mom likes you, your friend likes you and she likes you. You should be careful though, because sometimes moving into a relationship with someone makes it all get worse.

  7. well u can tri talkin 2 her a little less nd tlk 2 your friend a little more

  8. dude that is a long story but i think there is nothing wrong with four years age difference. You should just tell her what you have in mind.

  9. You say you like her, want to be with her and yet not attracted to her? Then I can tell from experience that yours is a relationship that is constructed carefully(from your side I'm sure). Constructed relationships are those that is done between two people who have very less common aspects. In these sort of relationships people are not attracted at first sight. They understand the differences between them and gradually build up the relationship. I think that you are gradually building it up. Continue!

    Constructed relationships take a long time to break and is less rugged. I suggest that you try to understand her more and make her understand your character fully before making any moves.

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