
My 5yr old son has thrown up the last 3 mornings, but is fine after. Any ideas on what this could be?

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He will be starting school in about 3 weeks, I hadnt even thought of that, but I did the same thing, the night or so before school. he also became a new brother, we just had a baby 6 weeks ago. My husband said the "C" word (cancer) and got me worried.




  1. He either eats too late before going to bed or something else.Take him to the doctor.

  2. it could be reflux  

  3. My son whom just turned six will be starting Kindergarten this year as well.  For about the last month we have made three trips to the ER for stomach pains and chest pains.  They told me that it was anxiety.  His preschool teacher talked with him and he said that he is nervous about starting school.  It is a scary time for kids.  Your son is having a lot of changes in his life with a new baby and starting school.  I would bet it is just anxiety.

  4. is he about to start school? has he started school? it might just be his nerves

  5. If he hasnt had a bowel movement in the past week you need to take him to the doctor He may be clogged up and that will cause him to be belemic and kill him eventually It killed a family member of mine we didnt think about it until it was too late.

  6. he probbaly just has a tummy bug. if i carrys on for a 3 more days, check your doctor. as you suggested school is starting, it may be nerves so ask him about school and what he thinks of it.

    watch what you are giving him to eat.

    is there anything new you are using in your cooking?

    good luck.

    and it's unlikley it's cancer!

  7. Are you giving him breakfast as soon as he wakes up? My son used to throw up, along with my cousin and sister, if they ate first thing in the morning.  Sometimes it is better to just wait.  Now my son is 6 and he eats a yogurt when he first wakes up, but nothing heavy until later.

  8. Well what is he eating before he goes to bed? How long after eating are you putting him to sleep? Maybe he's over eating. If the puking continue you might have to take him to see the doc. It could even be something internal.

    Good luck. Hope your little man is okay.

  9. maybe hes nerbouse  

  10. It could actually be the Singulair, if he takes it on an empty stomach every night, but I don't think it would take ALL NIGHT for it to upset his stomach... but definitely ask about that when you see the doctor, because you never know.

    I know someone who has a son around your son's age and he has sinus problems and he definitely throws up a lot. It might be sinus drainage on a sensitive stomach. That would make sense, because when you're laying down, you definitely get lots of drainage into your stomach, and that would make sense why he throws up in the morning and not any other time of day.

  11. is he having trouble with his sinuses it could be drainage from the night upsetting his belly and when he throws it up he is feeling better my husband does this sometimes

  12. I would guess that it's just nerves or stress from the new baby. I'd take him to the doctor to put your mind at ease though- since your husband mentioned that word you probably won't be able to shake it. I'd go so you can see everything is fine and you won't worry yourself sick.

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