
Money exchange help!!! plz help

by Guest33206  |  earlier

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ok so me and my family are leaving to mexico on the 9th and umm we were wondering what is like the ratio thing.. how much is a dollar worth over there now?




  1. Here is a link to money exchanges.  There if you google or yahoo them.  It appears 1 dollar is worth 9.86214 pesos right now.  That can change tomorrow.

  2. Currently, 1 US dollar = 9.8605 Mexican Pesos. Next time you want to find out currency rates, go on to Yahoo Finance or

  3. Ball park exchange rates for mexico is 10.00 pesos to one dollar, I always take some dollars with me besides pesos they accept them almost anywhere how ever the deeper in the intreior you go you may find exchange rates can go up or down. 10 to one gives you an easier formula to work with than 9.8786787678.

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