
Modelling? Do i have a chance?

by Guest33705  |  earlier

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Hiya. im young.. (not saying how old ;]) and i have always wanted to model. i have the height.

5"8 and going on 5"9.. i have had xrays which say i should atleast grow another 2 inches.. so i will probably be about 5"11

My weight isnt really an issue (im 54kg) but if i was told to loose like about 5 kilos i could do it pretty easy.. cut out all junk.. i have done it before ;)

but yeah.. im mainly concerned about my face.. if im too plain (i dont think i am.. but i have been told so) or just not pretty enough?

Heres a link.. :) xx

Thanks in advance




  1. i dont think you have one of those blend in looks, i think youd deffinately stand out in crowd you could totally do it. go for it

  2. i think you are very pretty, i also thing you dont need to loose any weight. If its something you want go for it, dont listen to what other people say. But just know (and i speck from experience) its a hard industry so dont be discouraged. Good luck.

  3. yea u should go for it doesnt matter what other people say about you their just jealous and dont want to admitt it but i think u have a shot its your life not theirs so who cares.....

  4. Ok, honestly, i think you are a very pretty girl. However, models need to be able to stand out from a crowd. You have a good jawline and beautiful eyes, but I think you have a very common look. There is nothing really striking about your appearance. You are very pretty, but I'm just not sure about model material. Maybe you could sign up with an agency or something and get some expert opinion? Good luck!

  5. ur pretty but seem average to me, alot of girls look like u but u should try if thats what u really want

  6. You're really pretty. You may have a chance.You definitely have the height. But being pretty isn't all you need for modeling.  You also have to be photogenic and bring something different and unique. Looks aren't everything. Some people that you would consider as "ugly" are actually really successful models in the industry. Good luck with everything!

  7. i think you look like you got a face for p**n  

  8. yes you do have a chance!!!

    your perfect for catwalk, but not for commercial photos or advertisments, and not for victorias secret type of modeling.

    but you could defidently be a catwalk model!

    good luck and have fun!!!!  

  9. ya!

    email a pic to




    a mroe natural look good luck!

  10. h**l yes you have a chance...

  11. Yeah, you have a chance.

  12. i think you are pretty with a good hight and GOOD WEIGHT AS IT IS

    dont loose any more weight cos if you do you wont be hired- there are liimits these days and trust me you would look like a skeleton you are beautiful the way you are!

    but remember its hard -- no easy process! but hope it works out for you in the end!

  13. you asked this already. and no you are not model material you look like casper

  14. u can Deff. be a model...good luck

  15. you have a great chance, i say go for it! your pretty & tall & thin. give it a shot

  16. wow! you're so beautiful! of course you have a chance.

  17. very good chance

    give it shot and good luck

  18. i think have a pretty face!

  19. you definitely have the looks.

    give it a try!

    you have good chances to become famous.

  20. Hm, I say you definitely do!!

    your gorgeous!

  21. maybe for like a department store. not high fashion, atleast i don't think so.

  22. yes! u look like a models face

  23. definetly

  24. yep. gorgeous > 3

  25. Congratulations, you r model material!

  26. yeah you have a chance. give it a try :D

  27. I am going to be brutally honest here, because anyone who is interested in modeling will deal with very harsh criticism every day and at every go-see. I have done a lot of modeling myself and am currently with an agency. You are a very pretty girl, but the problem is that there is nothing very special and unique about you that will stand out among the others in front of designers and agents. You basically look a lot like all of the other tall, thin, fake blondes that will be vying for the same shoot/runway show.

  28. oh my gosh!

    you are gorgeous!

    just lay off on make up

    you are very natural and gorgeous

    you'll go far!

    perfect height

    perfect everything!

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