
Mini blinds won't go down/release.?

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I've tried playing with/moving the cords around and gently pulling on them. The right side will come down about half way when I pull on them, but the left will not. As this is a rental house, I'd rather not replace them. Any ideas?




  1. Mini blinds will release if u pull to ur Left.  If it won't release..U can pull the blinds down with ur hand.  It will Lock up if u pull to ur right.  All mini- blinds works like that.  It may just jammed, that's all.  U have to work it loose.

  2. I have had this happen before as well.  I found that if I take the cord, at the very top of the blind, and pull left, to the point of almost having the cord parallel with the blind unit like StarShad.. suggested, it will usually work.  

    Another thing might be to check the little metal piece inside that that cord comes around (the one that is grooved and holds the cord in place) -- sometimes it gets stuck, and just needs to be dislodges (or a little spray of wd-40)

  3. With one hand pull sash to release latch.With other pull on bottem ov blind where it isn't coming down.Sometimes the cord gets twisted and you have to raise them (and untwist)  before you can lower them.

  4. Mini blinds cost $3.65 each at Wal Mart. Is it really worth your time to take one apart and repair it? Like all Chinese made products they are only intended to last a few months.

    Ask your land lord to replace them, he might consider them to be disposable items since it is cheaper to replace them than clean them.

  5. Pull the cord all the way to the left, almost parallel to the top, & hold the bottom in the middle to pull them down.  It has been a while, I think it is left.  If it doesn't work, try to the right, but it has to be almost level with the top rail.

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