
Low Estimate and High Estimate?

by Guest354  |  earlier

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Hey I'm having trouble with my summer math packet:

Find a low estimate and high estimate for the product or quotient.

Here's a sample question-

238 x 87

I dont know what a low estimate and high estimate is. Help?




  1. i have that packet also but i am having trouble with finding the amount of liquid in the measuring cup. you can barely see the cup.

  2. You multiply and after you get your answer you round it
    Example: 567*12=

    Hope this helped, and just for the record I also have that
    packet but I am in 2010  : D

  3. 8.6*8.762

  4. A low and high estimate is if you have, like you said 238 x 87 you would multiply 200 and 300 and get 60,000 which is the high estimate and then you would do 80 x 90 and get 720 which is the low estimate. I'm pretty sure this is right but I'm not so sure.

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