
Looking for English to Arabic Translator, but using English characters/alphabet for the Arabic text.?

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I have looked everywhere for a translator that will translate English into Arabic using English characters.

There are heaps of sites that translate English into Arabic in the typical Arabic text, however I can not read Arabic text.

Does anyone know of a site that will do this for me?

For example I want to be able to type in "hello", and for it to translate it into "marhaba" or "hala" or "ahalen" using these english letters.

If no site exists, then I am setting up a challenge for someone to create one. Being the only site in the world that offers this particular service, you will have loads of hits. All you need to know is both the Arabic alphabet and the English alphabet, and how to speak both. Then all you need is a big fat English Oxford dictionary on your lap and to enter the English word, it's Arabic counterpart, and then how to spell it in Arabic using English characters. Pretty simple program. And if that's still too hard just type it in Word or something and the user can do a simple "find in page" search for "hello" and it goes to where "hello" is written with it's Arabic spellings next to it.





  2. Well I used a French translater and it has Arabic. Just look up a word to translate in French and click the language.

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