
Living in Tasmania/Working in Tasmania?

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I was thinking of going over to Tasmania to work for 6-12 months, but I heard that the pay was very low - around $20,000 a year. Is this true? I've also heard that the employment rate was very low, too.

If the pay is that low, are the cost of living low as well?





  1. You need to tell us what work you do, generally salaries here are lower than the mainland (but 20k sounds very low ) but many of the costs especially housing are lower

  2. yeah gee your really funny mark you must really make your friends laugh,..... anyway. If you are coming to harvest fruit and veg you would prob pick up more money than the $20 your talking about but just depends on what your skills are as to what your job and pay rate is going to be. As for the employment rate and the cost of living they also depend on where you go, what job you want etc etc but also what are you used to earning and what lifestyle are you used to, because some things would be cheaper and others more expensive in Tas just as it is on the mainland.

  3. Most people employ family so it can be difficult - they also have very close families.

    But you know what they say - at least incest keeps it in the family.

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