
Light travels faster than sound, right?

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Light travels faster than sound, right?




  1. Yes, much faster. A typical speed for sound would be less than 1,000 miles per hour. A typical speed for light would be around 100,000 miles per *second*.

    Both sound and light have their speed affected by the medium they pass through. Sound, for example, travels much faster through wood and water than it does through air. Light travels much faster through air than through glass.

    But it would be very hard to construct a situation where sound would travel faster than light.

  2. Yes. Sound travels about 340 meters per second. Light travels about 3 hundred million meters per second.

    That's close to a million times faster.

    The exact numbers, according to google, are:

    Sound: 340.29 m/s

    Light: 299,792,458 m/s

    That speed of light is the speed of light through a vacuum, which is a constant. The speed of light through air varies, but it's pretty close to that.

    That speed of sound is the speed of sound at sea level in typical conditions. It can vary. Sound cannot travel in a vacuum. We can go faster than sound in supersonic planes (and there's a car that broke the sound barrier once too). Nothing can ever go faster than the speed of light.

  3. =_=


    thats why lighting comes before thunder

  4. Of course. Light goes approx. 186,000 mi/sec in a vacuum. Sound travels 343 mi/s*x in dry air at 20 °C (68 °F).  Both go at different speeds depending on the material they're going thru.

    However, in 1999, a team of scientists were able to slow the speed of a light pulse to about 17 metres/sec. But that's pretty rare.

  5. Yes.

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