
Library: A great place to be barefoot?

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Don't you guys think that the library is a great place to be barefoot? I mean, reading a good book, kicking your shoes off, and putting up your barefeet, sitting on them, etc. Isn't the library a great place to be barefoot?




  1. It depends on the policy of the Library, and whether the Library actually cleans the floor. I wouldn't go barefoot on a tile floor, but... I work in a Library, and admit that sometimes, before we open... I like to run around barefoot and grab onto the computers and see which one packs the biggest wallop.

  2. yea good idea except the sign on the door that says shirts and shoes are required

  3. sounds good but make sure you have a pedicure and clean feet

  4. When I'm at the library, I always take my shoes off and read in my socked feet. Not completely barefoot, but I do agree about taking shoes off! Why not get comfortable?

  5. Library floors are covered in ****, p**s, sweat, and spit.

    But go ahead, add your athlete's foot to the mix.

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