
Jim Smith, Frog Band books

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  1. We lived next door to Jim and his wife in Salisbury in the mid 1970's. He signed his first book for our small son. We have it still along with 3 others.

  2. Jim Smith was actually from Salisbury, in the UK. He had a shop in the Greencroft called the little Junk Shop, which is depicted Alphonse and the Stonehenge Mystery as Toad's Tea Shop (however, there is a park over the road, so rest the pic is fictional). Funnily enough, the shop is now a cafe under a different owner as, unfortunately, Jim passed away 19 years ago.

    He was a remarkable man, very gentle and kind. A veteran from World War 2 who was a Prisoner of War in a Japanese concentration camp. But, he always good natures and I will never forget the case he had at the front of his shop that had the two boxing rabbits (a wicked sense of humour, to)!

    His books were fantastic and I have been reading my copies to my son. Unfortunately, I haven't sen many of them on sale, but I think they are obtainable.

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