
Japanese-English translation help?

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Can a native or fluent speaker tell me what the Japanese sentence "いつ一人は呪って、二墓穴を掘ります (Itsu hitori wa norotte, ni boketsu wo horimasu)" means in English?

Is it grammatically correct?

I think it's supposed to say something like "when one person is cursed, two graves are dug" but I'm not sure.





  1. "Is it grammatically correct?

    I think it's supposed to say something like "when one person is cursed, two graves are dug" but I'm not sure."

    The way you wrote that, it sounds like you either pulled it off of a website or are trolling, lul.

    The way I learned to tell if something is correct, which isn't accurate but it works 50% when I am checking my French homework is if I put it into an online translator and it makes no sense.

    Sadly, some of the characters not even the translator recognizes, but from the outcome I got, it makes a little sense, so it could be wrong.

    Not everyone is perfect, rite?

    And for the person above me, not all sentences need a suject or a direct object.  Doesn't, "Tomu desu" mean I am tom, and according to the particle rule, there "isnt" a topic, subject, or object.  The sentence provides a topic, which can exclude a subject and be grammatically correct... at least in English.

    And a side note, isn't "dug" past tense while horimasu is present tense? Even if the sentence is correctly structured, the verb would have to be past.  

  2. That's not a correct sentence. Grammatically doesn't make sense, either.

    I think you found a crooked version of (like what an online translator does...?) an adage:

    "Hito o norowaba ana futatsu."

    It means "When you curse someone, you need to dig two graves".

    And that really means, when you curse someone, it'll come back to you, too. So you are also harming yourself.

    Teaching about Karma...

  3. I'm fluent enough to know that's totally wrong, but maybe not fluent enough to get it right. I'll try anyway (romaji)

    "hitori ha norotta toki, futatsu no boketsu ha horimasu"

    It's better... but I'm not familiar with those words, so maybe not quite correct.

  4. "いつ一人は呪って、二墓穴を掘ります"


    一人=one person,

    呪う=curse --> it's nothing object


    墓穴=grave pit


    No subject and No Object.

  5. I'm pretty sure you can't say "ni boketsu" but I don't know what the correct counter for "graves" would be. Futatsu would be my best guess.

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