
It 4: 19 <span title="am...???????????????????????????">am...????????????????????...</span>

by  |  earlier

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and i cant sleep. my neighbor is in his kitchen singing so loud and i just cant go back to sleep.

i hate sleeping and what should i do?




  1. Earplugs.

    Maybe you could pray or something?

    Eat some hops or something

  2. It&#039;s 9.24 am here. I&#039;ve been awake since 6 am and I can&#039;t sleep either!

    I think I will pray Durood Shareef. It is Friday after all.

  3. break ur neighbours window and he&#039;ll shut up =]

    i normally wake up late but i woke up early today cuz i have my quran class at 11.00 lol

  4. well its 9:35am here now, umm try reading Surah Khaf since it Friday, just make some use of ur time. :D inshAllah u&#039;ll get to sleep soon. &lt;3

  5. lol- i woke up at 5.15am today....i just cleaned my room and bathroom and read a book:)

  6. put  some cotton buds in  your ears  

  7. i am just liiike you i hate sleeping its a waste of time!!!!!! ide rather be up then sleeping thats why i am nocturnal! i just listen to music and work out till 6 am and tv is good for 4 hours then i sleep for 3 hours n then get up and go to work

  8. I don&#039;t knwo what time is there, but if you&#039;re in Lebz right now, it&#039;s probably like 4 in the afternoon or something. Maybe you could take a nap or something. I odn&#039;t mean liek the sleep type naps, but lie in your bed and listen to music and just rest your body. Hope that helps!  

  9. ohh. You go and tell him that i want to sleep and your singing is disturbing me. So kindly plz dont sing in loud voice so that i can sleep.

  10. Um...i don&#039;t think ur neighboor is singing in the kitchen i think he\she is calling 4 help sumthing is going on because Nobody at that hour sings everybody should be sleeping...omg why u hate sleeping???

    i LOVE 2 sleep!:)

  11. its 3:40pm here in KSA ,

    i think I&#039;d  better shut the computer or my father will kill me,pray 4 me guys that I will be safe rest of the day.or  you wouldn&#039;t have me back to answer some of your q  

  12. Salam for you. At 4:19 AM is it the time for shubuh praying in your country? If yes please get up make a wuddu and make a prayer. and make a dua and recite Qur&#039;an too.It is better than you stay on bed but do not sleep.

    If your neighbour has a bad habit to disturb you in the morning please get him know  politely do not  sing so loud .in the kitchen.

  13. Your so the opposite of me, I LOVE sleeping.

    Your like my brother, he stays up SO late because he can not go to bed.

    Try counting sheep. lol.

    When you see your neighbor tell him that he is distracting you from sleeping and if he can quiet down.

    Say the 3 Surahs, Al Falaq, Al Nas and Al Iklas. If this does not work do something useful with your time. Pray, read quran, learn new things about Islam etc. Also talk to your parents because you need your sleep.

    Hope this helped.

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