
Is there an African American culture? Is BHM specifically for blacks with American ancestors?

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Not all blacks that live/born in America had black ancestors that were in American history. Many Caribbean countries, for example, had a completely different history than the African Americans. For example, Jamaicans for example, had 31 less years in slavery. The discrimination was also not a problem afterwards because when the slavery was over, whites were the minority.

Is "black history month" for all blacks that have ancestors that suffered/achieved "in America" specifically? Because not all blacks here, have ancestors that are in American History. This would mean "black history month" does not include all blacks. Not all African Americans, have American history.




  1. Black History Month is a month long dedication of the celebration of  Black History in America however the account of the history of Black people did start in America. Therefore I see nothing wrong with the celebration of Black history throughout the entire Black Diaspora. I encourage the celebration of Black History Globally. As Black people we should not wait to be recognized by our nations residency to celebrate our history. No one is stopping us from celebrating and studying our history worldwide. I also feel that learning of all our people world wide will help mend our differences and bring us together as one people world wide.

    Therefore not only will we celebrate the lives of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Harriet Tubman and Malcolm X but we can also celebrate the lives of Steven Biko, Patrice Lumumbo, Nelson Mandela, Toussaint L' Ouveture, Queen Nzinga, Queen Hepshetsut, Marcus M. Garvey, Antonio Maceo Grajales, etc. Every person I named has a common African ancestry. If Black History were was specifically designed for Black Americans then it should be called Black or African American History Month. It's not therefore there is no rule in place to determine among Black people as to who shall be celebrated. If there was then it wouldn't be a celebrate of true reflection but a government control event. A government that prides itself on freedom would never do that.

  2. king of london- you are wrong with your last point. as you know there are carribean blacks and african blacks in the uk.what they teach in black history month does not apply to the african blacks. they group us as all the same anyway.

    king of london- i left school before they added that to the curriculum too. i agree about labelling it 'black history/month'. it should just be taught as part of american history as it is such an important part anyway. i got the impression that they were trying to make out that all blacks have history in slavery.

  3. While that may be true the MAJORITY of blacks in America are from slavery.  Most Jamaicans do not take on the identity of African americans unless they are generations from the original immigrant.


  4. black history month is about african americans, not jamaicans or people from the Caribbean they have their own history

  5. Black (American) history is American history.It should be celebrated by everyone. I dont see why your lineage should disqualify you from embracing your American history.

    To answer you question, yes there is an African American culture..I also dont think being an immigrant background disqualifies you from holding African American culture. Many "Jamacians" I come across act no different than a so called African American. What exactly makes them Jamacian?

  6. Thats like asking is should other whites celebrate the English founders of the country.Of course the should! They are still Americans. I think Black history month refers to Americans who are black regardless when they arrived here.

    Only difference with blacks is just that blacks of american background have accomplished the most because there was no immigration. That shouldn't discourage other blacks to celebrate it.

  7. Well, first thing I'd say is that you have to be careful saying "The discrimination was also not a problem afterwards because when the slavery was over, whites were the minority."  Social structure is very places where there were more black people than whites, the discrimination was actually much more severe as there was more to regulate, and had to keep people within a "desired" power structure, but where those in power have fewer numbers to support it.

    Anyway, that wasn't your question :-) ...

    There certainly is an African American culture.  Think about "black" music, dress, speech, etc.  Hip Hop is an African American creation, though it is influenced by - and influences - other genres of music, most of it black music from other countries/regions.  

    Black history month is mostly a reflection on American slavery and those who are a "derivative" of that era.  Of course, when people immigrate to the US they are often treated as those they look like that are already here, so while the history lessons don't necessarily implicate them directly, socially they are implicated.  Whether you were born here or not, there is a "black culture", most of which is African American.  Furthermore, under American culture, there has always been a racist culture.  Black history is meant to shed light on this phenomenon as a tribute to the contributions black people in general have made to the US.

    I hope that wasn't too muddled...essentially, the answer to your question is that there is an African American culture, and that black history month is more indicative of this culture, but is not limited to it.  Ultimately, however, there's usually only enough time to go over slavery and the Civil Rights movement, and then (if you're schools are/were like mine) you learn the same things over and over each year - we don't really learn about the history of racism in this country, and many assume that the power structures are the same throughout the Western Hemisphere, where there were slave cultures...they're not (similar, not the same).

  8. Black history month clearly encompasses the history of black americans who were descendants of american slaves. It doesnt encompass people who started immigrating  to america en mass............. in the 1970s.

    Jamaicans didn't assist black americans in their struggle for freedom at all. Why would they be mentioned in black history month?

    Jews were a better ally to african americans in the struggle for their freedom than jamaicans ever were. Should jews be included in black history?

    What I've always been curious about is.... who made the decision for black history month to be February... the shortest month of the year?

    hahahaah. How very funny.

  9. There is never one culture in one ethnic group otherwise they can be generalized

    some examples

    Gang culture

    General American culture

    Hip Hop Culture


    If any one claims Black Americans have one culture or the whole of American has one culture dont complain whilst generalized as you claim you are all the same in general

    Black history mount in USA is primarily of Black Americans history

    Black History month is also done here in the UK so Black history month in a country is history of the black people within that nation

    EDIT sILLY f**t yeah your right but when it comes to black history month I dont know because i either werent in school when they were teaching it or just didnt get taught it so i dont know what it was about I thought it was going to be like all the black people but then again if you say that then I reckon it would only apply to ones who had ancestors who were slaves which does not include me you or others of direct recent African ancestry

    Also may I also say its history and the black part should be dropped it should be taught in general history as we all humans and Race is a myth device invented to divide and its working

  10. No. The purpose of black history is to raise awareness about African Americans(to get people to stop being racist). It serves the same purpose as Asian or Hispanic awareness month.

    So really its for everybody.

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