
Is there a website that can help her to start receiving Medicare maybe like a lawyer that...PLEASE READ ON?

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I am a quadriplegic & I have a 3 yr old daughter. My mother is unable to work because she has to take care of both of us. She does get her Social Security disability but it is not very much at all. She has absolutely no insurance & she's a diabetic that takes insulin & also HPB. She has tried several times to sign up for Medicare, but they say that she is not eligible, which is unbelievable with the medical problems that she has & also that she has to take care of me. I actually have 2 questions. Is there a website that might can help her to start receiving her Medicare something like a law office that does not charge a upfront fee? My second question is is there a website that she might be eligible for some extra money or a grant?




  1. Medicare's eligibility requirements are pretty cut and dry.  If she is on disability already, she obviously hasn't met the minimum time frame yet.  In order to qualify, she has to receive disability for a few years before she can get Medicare.  A lawyer cant change this, and anyone who tells you otherwise is just after your money.  

    I doubt you'll find one who won't require fees upfront because becoming eligible for medicare doesn't give you a cash settlement so you can pay them...  they wouldn't make any money off you.

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