
Is she or isn't she pregnant?

by Guest11037  |  earlier

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One of my best friends took two pregnancy tests yesterday and they both said she was pregnant...she took a digital test this morning and it read NOT PREGNANT...She has been trying for three months and her period is due this Friday...Has this happened to anyone?! Is it possible she isn't pregnant?! There has to be something in her body for the test to clearly state she is pregnant?! Any advice?




  1. She should take a Blood Tesst that is more accurate, i think she is pregnant bit i also think she should see a doctor...Congratulations

  2. Wait for few days and take the test again.

    Take an appointment with doctor whatever is the outcome.

  3. She is pregnant, the digital test do not detect a low amount of the hcg needed to detect pregnancy like the regular test do.

  4. needs t o wait and retake it ... or go and c doctor for bood test

    hope the best ...

  5. were the first tests more sensitive then the digital one? was it with her first morning urine? i'd wait until her period... test again if it's missed. baby dust to her =)

  6. Its pretty early to test, but because she's had a positive result it sounds like she should make a doctor's appt to be sure ~ some tests are just more accurate than others.  The doctor's office can be much more certain and offices will usually give you an immediate appt. for this kind of thing.  :-)

    ::::Baby Dust:::: to your friend.

    PS:  If she's not preggers this time,  I highly recommend Toni Weschler's Taking Charge of Your Fertility if she does not already own it.  This book, along with data from charting, can provide her with valuable information that can help her conceive a child...

  7. Your friend is pregnant! It is extremely rare to have a false positive, near enough impossible. The fact that two showed up is great news and equals pregnancy! The one that showed up negative can safely be regarded as a "false negative". These are frustrating but fairly common. They can occur even if the test is new and sealed and within its expiration date.

    Good luck to your friend!! Advise her to make a doctor's appointment now to confirm the pregnancy with a blood test and to make future appointments for proper pre-natal care.


  8. it could be that the first 2 tests had lower hormone detection levels than the third.  I would say she is pregnant and to schedule an appointment with her family doctor or planned parenthood to confirm and then choose an ob/gyn... good luck and congrats to your friend!

  9. First off purchase the pregnancy tests at the dollar store, yep they are there.  My wife's doctor buys them there.  When (What time?) did you take the first two?  One is supposed to take them in the morning.  So if the other two where not taken in the morning that could through it of, but not likely.

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