
Is it wrong for your parents to help pay for the honey moon?

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Just wondering how many of you have been "helped" by your parents or your parents in law to help pay for the honey moon? Is it wrong that you would take help from your parents to help pay for the honey moon?




  1. If it doesn't put the families into financial hardship, and if the couple didn't ask/beg and the family is offering before they love the couple I think it is totally fine.

    I just think asking and begging are rude.

    They did not help us with your wedding or honeymoon, but I am 21 and my parents still pay for my car insurance and a few other little things, because they love me and want my fiance and I to save as much money as possible for our future.  

  2. I know my fiance and my parents are giving us stuff for the honeymoon as wedding gifts.  His father gave us his timeshare in Portugal for a week, his mother is putting money towards our tickets, and my parents are giving us airline miles to put towards buying the tickets or upgrade.  I don't think it is wrong to do so.  It would be wrong not to acknowledge what they have contributed to it though and not offer proper thanks and apprecition for it.  

  3. no, it's not wrong.

    actually, traditionally, the grooms family pays for the honeymoon and the rehearsal dinner. but in more modern times, grooms and couples have taken over the honeymoon part.

    So don't feel bad about it.  

  4. If your parents or in-laws want to give you money towards the honeymoon as a, or part of a, wedding gift, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that as long as it isn't expected or asked for.

  5. not wrong. my fiance and i are getting married in jamaica where we will also be spending our honeymoon. my parents paid for the trip & his parents covered the airfair with their airmiles. we are paying for a small reception when we return home ourselves. whatever part your parents/inlaws would like to help with should be greatly appriciated. its not wrong at all.  

  6. There is nothing wrong with your parents or your in-laws to help pay for your honeymoon.

    Parents do that sort of stuff...wouldn't you WANT to do that for your children? My parents paid for our wedding reception :)

  7. I actually think it's kind of weird for parents to help pay for the honeymoon.  I mean, honestly, most people know what goes on on a honeymoon and having your parents help pay for that is creepy.  If you can't afford it on your own - don't go on one right away.  My husband and I are hoping to go on a belated honeymoon for our one year anniversary since we didn't have enough money to afford a trip and we moved right after we got married.  

  8. I guess it depends on what the parents have contributed to the wedding. For example, say the groom's parents didn't pay for anything. They may feel obligated to pay for your honeymoon. I only think it's wrong to take money from them if you have the money to afford the honeymoon...otherwise look at it as a wedding gift and a very nice one at that.

  9. Despite a couple of other posters' opinions, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with accepting help from your parents or in-laws when it comes to paying for things for the wedding, and that includes the honeymoon. Heck, even if your parents offer to help with things money-wise after the marriage, I see nothing wrong with it. There's nothing wrong with being independent, but I think there's a certain level of rudeness attached to not accepting help when it's being so genuinely offered. Accepting their help will not make you spoiled and it will not make you look like you want a hand-out. I think some people really should get a grip on their "It's the 21st century" attitude and focus on the fact that there are some very generous parents out there who are willing to help their new little union have a good time on their honeymoon.

    Good luck!

  10. Yes it is wrong.  the wedding should be the end of you depending on mommy and daddy to provide for you.  You are married so you are now responsible for your own life.  Can't afford to go where you dream of going?  You need to face reality and go someplace you can afford.  Can't afford to go away at all?  Then you do what many many other couples have done before you, you postpone the honeymoon until you can afford to go away, or you just do not have one.  You are not owed a honeymoon you know just like you are not owed anything else.  You need to get off your parent's backs and start living your own life.

  11. Heh, when my son gets married one day, my insisting on paying for the honeymoon will be the least of his worries.. I'll probably wind up trying to plan the honeymoon, and pay for and plan the bachelor party for that matter! ^_~

  12. There is nothing wrong with receiving money from your parents for your honeymoon, providing they offer it.  Personally, if you have to ask for it...don't go on one until after you have accumulated enough of your own money.  Honeymoons are not a requirement of marriage!

  13. not necessarily but by being a couple you have got on a path called it is your life you have to do everything

  14. That is not wrong at all!

    I am completely baffled that anyone would say it is. If they are offering, and insist, I don't see the problem! If you have to beg, that's another story.

    My In-Laws helped out with our wedding, It was our wedding gift.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with family helping out, or offering a helping hand. Best of luck to you!  

  15. It's not wrong, but it's not really right. If it's their gift to you, or they insist on helping with the expenses, then that's a really nice gesture.

    But I think it's better for the couple to say, "This is our honeymoon and the start of our life together. We'd really prefer to do a trip that we can pay for ourselves. You all are so wonderful and have done more than enough for us financially."

  16. Well my parents paid for our plane tickets for our honeymoon.  That was their gift to us.  We used the other money we recieved as gifts for our spending money on our honeymoon.

  17. There is nothing wrong with that.  Many parents help out with the honeymoon.  Especially on the groom's side, since traditionally, the bride's parent's help with the wedding.

  18. Why would taking help from family be wrong?

  19. Not if it is given as a gift

  20. I don't think it's right. The couple should pay for their own wedding expenses. I got married in Feb 2008, mine was pretty simple and nice. By the way, I have only known my hubby for 1 yr 3 months 24 days.(since first encounter until now)

    I paid for all the wedding expenses, so my last drawn salary of S$1300 pay(only) as a shipping clerk per month was spent mostly on our wedding, held with the Singapore Hokkien Huey Kuen, on the large framed up picture with a bridal shop(which has shifted), on the 2 sets of wardrobe done, and all other expenses. Total, I think I spent close to S$8,000.

  21. People on here are so weird. "It is wrong to depend on your parents to pay for your honeymoon because now you are man and wife"? Seriously? I bet you didn't say no to the 10 grand the parents offered to pay for the wedding and/or reception!

    Take the money, thank them, and have a great time.

  22. Of course it is. You need to man-up and pay for this yourselves!  

  23. If they want to help, let them. There is nothing wrong with that. Just don't ask for help, and know that it may not be offered. my H2B and I will be paying a good chunk for our wedding. We are not expecting help from either of our parents. If we are old enough to get married, we are old enough to handle our own finances.

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