
Is it possible to love and hate?

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How is it possible to love someone so deeply one moment and hate them so passionately the next? Is it possible to love and hate at the same time, and if so, how can you explain that?




  1. i understand completely what you mean. theres time when im like really in love with my bf, but he can soo p**s me off. idk i can feel like you definitely sometimes. i think it is possible to b in that kind of a relationship. because the fight ing can stop. its a matter of ajusting to eachother. maybe sometimes its just hard to get use to someone, and when ur both the same in personality or certain traits..there comes in those I HATE you moments. but bottom line, you do love the person. and theres no doubt about that.  

  2. That is really exactly how I have felt about my husband for many years. I have continued to stay with him (therefore, making this my fault as well) through everything. I no longer feel the love/hate, now I just feel indifferent. I think when you have the love/hate you love them but hate their actions.

    We use to be great in the bedroom (the one place he never screwed up) and now only once out of every ten times do I feel. So, I know my feelings are changing. This has just been over the past few months. I am ready for a change.

  3. I think the best explanation for that is that you don't love and hate them. You "love" them all the time, but sometimes you "hate" that you do.

  4. Absolutely! In order to really hate someone (I'm not talking the generic "I hate broccoli" type statement) you have to care for them and have some expectations about how they'll behave toward you. In fact, the stronger your love, the stronger the hatred when they let you down. If you are torn between loving and hating the same person, my guess is you have deep feelings for them, but they aren't fulfilling your expectations. However, you might want to analyze your own feelings. Are you really feeling hatred, or is it anger or disappointment? And if it is anger, what are you really angry about? Sometimes it takes a bit of self-analysis to find out.

    BTW, the opposite of love is not hate, but indifference.  

  5. anne rice wrote about that in a book "love is equal to hate" and the only way that i can try to explain it is there is a link between the 2 feelings. passion. it is that that makes them connected. its not really something that you can explain its just something you can feel. its the passion of the moment the deep feeling of love and hate and romance and a break up. its the feeling you get when you get your first kiss and also the feeling that you get right after you have had your heart broken. its just the most intense feeling that you can feel!

  6. I think the only way you can have true love is to first have true hate.  I know to all the romantics out there that will make no sense, but it's true.  If I love someone when they're being sweet to me, then it's easy to love them.  To love someone that I hate must mean that I truely love them, right?

    But there are also varying degrees of hatred.  I hate, let's say, Pam Anderson.  But that doesn't mean that I can love her.  I hate certain actions of my husband, but that doesn't mean that I hate HIM.  I hate his actions but I love him.  That keeps us together.

  7. As funny as it sounds they go hand in hand.  You love so passionately that your feelings of hate are derived from love.   Your hate stems from your feelings of love for that person and you only want the behavior and actions to be what that person is capable of being.  

  8. Definitely. I hate my husband for cheating on me and causing our divorce. But at the same time I still love him for the 11 years we were in a relationship.  It is a weird thing, but I think it is normal to to hate and love at the same time...

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