
Is it illegal to dumpster dive in North Carolina?

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It isn't that I WANT to, its that I NEED to. (No job = no money = dumpster diving). I'm job hunting, but the jobs I'm most qualified for have been outsourced overseas. No smug lectures please, I'm a former vp of a manufacturing business - I never thought I'd be in this predicament - trust me, it CAN happen to you, too.




  1. Dumpster diving is becoming a favorite American past time.  

  2. No but it's gross. Go to a food pantry or a church they'll help. You might get sick dumpster diving.

  3. I know

    Don't you know that in the usa EVERYTHING IS ILLEGAL ?

    It is illegal  to plough the fields with an elephant, to hunt whales in the state of utah ( that has no sea shores ), to paint a mailbox, for a widow to jump in parachute on sundays, to say "oh, boy" in some state, to fall asleep in a cheese factory, and many more

  4. Why would you want to dumpster dive anywhere?

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