
Is it alright to travel to Germany alone?

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Has anyone done it?. I want to go there to do the composer trail and was wondering how acessable the city is and how friendly the people are there.

25 and never been overseas alone before.




  1. Firstly, Germany is a country not a city.... I would say it's generally pretty safe, just be on your guard and be sensible, as you would anywhere - generally things tend to go wrong when you let your guard down. I live very close to the border with Germany, can't say I've ever felt threatened being there.

  2. I think you are asking about the wrong country, because I have never heard about a composer's trail in Germany. The official German Tourist website also turns up nothing.

    All I get is this:

    And these are the top walking trails in Germany:

    Austria however has a composer's trail following Mozart's life (which includes Augsburg in Germany) and there is a walking tour in Paris called "The Composer's trail".

    Now which one do you want?

    As a rule, travelling in western Europe is very safe, even alone as a young woman. A lot of Europeans girls do it every day and it really is no big deal. It is easy and comfortable to get around on public transport by train and bus, whether it is France, Germany or Austria. Just keep your wits about you and follow the same safety procedures you would back home.

    Rick Steves has a great website on travelling in Europe, btw.

  3. Germany is a great place to visit. I have lived here for two years and have never thought twice about traveling here alone or with my infant. We take the bus, train, and our car all over the country sight seeing and keeping busy. Be cautious with your money and your personal information (I am here all alone... etc.) keep the drinking down to a reasonable level and find somewhere to stay before it gets too late into the evening. It is the same no matter where you travel if you are alone.

  4. Do you speak any German? It would be helpful but not absolutely necessary as long as you stay in tourist areas. Germany is a safe country and just using common sense will help a lot. Most Germans speak some English and are friendly and willing to help a tourist.

  5. You won't have any trouble travelling alone in Germany.

    People are generally friendly and it's a safe place. Nobody, male or female will be bothered for travelling alone.

    Though you should be careful at night and ask around if its safe to walk around. It usually is, but there are some places in different bigger cities, especially around the central stations that might not be as safe as you wish during night.

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