
Is anthropology good for prelaw?

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Is anthropology good for prelaw?




  1. Depends on what law you're going in to. Anthropology might be good for immigration law. You could do business, criminology, social science, political science. Really any major you can think of can be applied to law school.

  2. the best major for prelaw is a major that interests you, which will then lead you to get good grades. what you actually study has a much smaller impact than the grades you get (coupled with your LSAT scores). you could study anything from political science to fine arts to economics to underwater basket weaving, as long as you get good grades and a good LSAT score.

    as for whether the things you learn in anthropology will help you in law school... well, you do sharpen your critical thinking skills (especially if you get opportunities to do undergraduate research), as well as a broader understanding of many cultures... so that's gonna be helpful no matter what you end up doing, be it law or something else.

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