
Is a white american with white African ancestry considered an African-American?

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  1. I don't know why there is such a need to explain the sensible notion of what an African-American is. First of all, it is important to understand that above the genetic racial heritage of black people descendant of Africa, the notion of Africaness is attached to the stigma of slavery poverty and its legacy. Therefore everything associated with black is despised and rejected by whites, those with black ancestry who pass for whites, and even those who have tanner skin color and straight hair. African-American themselves have bought into the lie of black "stigmatism" and consciously or unconsciously are ashamed of their heritage, as a result they crave whites acceptance, and feel vindicated when a white person identify himself with blacks. This not the solution to a better attitude toward ones sense negritude and authentic acceptance of one's identity. It is important to understand the separation between race as a genetic heritage and the stigma of race which is a heritage of the white hegemony rather than the true meaning of blackness in its particularity and beauty. Therefore, if a white person with black ancestry claims to be black, that shouldn't be celebrated as a vindication to the black race, nor if a person of black ancestry with visibly black features claims to be white that shouldn't be a cause for consternation because the problem of black stigma cannot be resolved by genetic Exodus or integration, it is resolved by recognizing that being black is fine, being white is fine, being Latino is fine being Arab is fine, the problem arises when people stigmatize a race because of their history and buying into such lie is the greatest disservice a black person can do to his race, in other word, Michael Jackson whitening his skin shouldn't be a problem because he is not betraying his race by becoming white if becoming white or black is of no consequence to the intrinsic notion of race outside of the stigma attached to it.

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