
Is a 30 year old TOO old?

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I just turned 21 and i have a 30 year old who keeps telling me he wants to date me... we have a date set up for wednesday and i'm pretty sure we will have a good time but is 30 too old for relationship status?... btw he's an E6 in the army and has an ex wife and 2 daughters that live in germany.... too much baggage for a guy this sweet? He's REALLY cute and super nice but you never know if the guy is using that as a cover you know?

just let me know what you think... thanks




  1. he's too old. you are too young.

  2. no 30 years old is not old at all, in fact my Dad is 11 years older than my Mom, look on the other side...make sure he's serious:)!!

  3. Wouldn't hurt to give it a chance. And after the first date if you don't think it'd work , let him know that.

  4. my lady says to run and run now. an ex-wife and 2 kids is not needed at your young age,,  

  5. Before you get too serious (thinking of getting engaged) be sure you see the divorce papers, have them verified by an attorney.

    Also if he divorced her because she was cheating, expect him to be suspicious of women.

    Eventually you will need to have a chat with the ex.

    The age difference is meaningless. My high school sweetheart dumped me for a man older than him.

  6. I'm almost 30 and my girlfriend is almost 22, we get along great.

    We both share a passion for scuba diving and boating and we do it every weekend. Unlike guys her age, I can afford to take us places. She has now seen 3 countries she would never have otherwise seen. We travel and have the greatest time. Who knew iceland had such a great party scene? Neither of us had been there before. We know that now. Not only that,  I have been something of an inspiration to her too she says. When we met, she wanted to be a nurse, but now that we've been together for a while, she wants to become a business owner like her man and is right now researching ventures for herself. Its been a good couple year for us so far. I've learned a lot from her and vice versa.  Will it last? who cares. I could die in a car crash. I'm living for the moment. Who can predict the future? We'll see.

  7. Are girl's really this stupid? Gosh you're naive,...

  8. I just turned 21 two months ago I would say he is a little too old for you but if thats what you want go for it

  9. Well if you guys just aren't into each other, then yes.

    But love has no age.

  10. My dad was nearly 11 years older than my mom and their marriage lasted more than 38 years, right up until to the day he died. But, of course, that was back in the day when people knew how to hold relationships together for lengthy periods of time. Things aren't that way anymore. Nowaway days, when you get tired of somebody or something goes even the slightest bit wrong, everybody's ready to chuck the whole thing. As for the " baggage ", I wouldn't let it bother me until you've at least been with him long enough to know whether or not it's gonna be a problem or not...

    Edit : Considering you're getting married tomorrow, I'd say it's a little late to be asking this question, wouldn't you...?

  11. you dont want to be a step mom at 21!

  12. No one here can answer is someone is too old for you...the only person that can make that call, is you! Ive dated older woman, ive dated younger woamn....what interested me in the woman herself...not her age.

    You do have to consider the baggage though at some point, if it gets serious you will have to be comfotrable with the implications, where is with a guy without it you only have the two of you to consider! If it's just casual, and you enjoy being with him when you are...then its not even a issue

  13. It's not so much the number, it's the personality.  I was married for 10 years to someone 12 years older than me.  The issue is how has his "baggage" affected him as a person.  How has the military molded him?  Look at him as a person.  

    Next, you are young and have never been married or had will he feel when you may be ready for all that.  Remember in 10 years he will be 40 and you'll be 31.  There are some things you will just experience but he's already gone take that into consideration and have conversations about it.

    One last thing.  He's in the military which means every 2-3 years he will be moving so are you ready for that?

  14. Go for it ,see what happens, because if you don't might regret it later down the road. Taking chances are part of life....Good Luck....

  15. He probably has an ex wife for a  reason.....I say that it's a little to old, he seems the age where he wants to settle down, you are really young and need to enjoy your early years being a young adult!

  16. No, go for it.

  17. Hi,

    Thirty is not too old for a 21 year old lady. The whole point of dating is discovery. We date to see if we have enough common interests for a long term relationship. As an E6, he has shown some degree of responsibility in his career. It can't hurt to find out more about him. There's an old saying that goes like this: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained" Be careful and enjoy your date.

    Be safe always.

    I hope this helps!

  18. i think you should keep an arm's length of this guy. there is alot of baggage that i think you being 21 should not be able to handle yet. you should be enjoying your life bc your only 21 once! stay friends with him bc then the real test comesout : if he sticks it that long with you as a friend, then go for it! until then, i would enjoy your youth!!

  19. No. It's not too old. My parents are 12 years apart. Age shouldn't really matter as long as both people are comfortable in their relationship.

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