
Is HClO2 a strong or weak acid?

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Since HClO4 is considered a strong acid, does it make HClO2 strong too?

Same goes with H2SO4. Since it is a strong acid, does it make H2SO3 a strong acid also?

Thanks. :) I find this kinda confusing.




  1. Johny was a chemists son but Johny is no more

    what Johny thought was h2o was h2so4.

    thanks for the 2 points

    but all you kneed to know is "Solutions in which the concentration of H+ exceeds that of OH- have a pH value lower than 7.0 and are known as acids."

  2. a strongly oxidizing acid; called chlorous acid.known only in solution.

  3. Chlorous acid is a weak acid.

  4. HClO2 [chloric(III) acid] is a weak acid.

    The strength of oxo-acids is very much affected by the number of oxygens double-bonded to the central atom, because it is these electron-attracting groups that weaken the O-H bonds and make the substance acidic.

    HClO4 has three such oxygens [think of the acid as ClO3(OH),] whereas HClO2 only has one [think of it as ClO(OH)]

    You can apply the same idea to H2SO4 [SO2(OH)2] and H2SO3 [SO(OH)2] and see that sulphurous acid is a weak acid.

    And carboxylic acids are weak because RCO(OH) ... only one doubly-bonded oxygen.

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