
Is California Eastern Time Or Pacific Time?

by  |  earlier

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is california easter time?

or is it pacific time?




  1. pacific, why would you be confused about that?

  2. Pacific. :)

  3. Pasific Time.

    It's on the west America

  4. pacific because its not in the east

  5. Pacific Time

  6. ~~We are pacific time which is PDT at this time of year (Pacific Daylight Savings time).~~

  7. California is in the Pacific Time

  8. It is maybe confused by tv and radio broadcasts that give the time as the same for Eastern and Pacific..  This is because of the 3 hour delay programs are reboadcast at a later time for people living in the pacific time zone.  Other wise the 6 o'clock network news would be on the air at 3 o'clock in California.

  9. They're on their own time.

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