
If i use a standard business envelope and 3 sheets of notebook paper will the postage be covered w/ 1 stamp?

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If i use a standard business envelope and 3 sheets of notebook paper will the postage be covered w/ 1 stamp?




  1. Yes.

    One stamp is good up to 1oz.  4 sheets of letter size paper in a standard business envelop weighs .9oz.

  2. If it is only 3 sheets 1 stamp will cover it.

  3. Yes, just one stamp. 1 stamp for every ounce, you would have to have 6 pieces of paper to make it over an ounce.

  4. yes, i send letters for highschool office all the time with three standard papers in it and it is a 41 cent stamp weight

  5. yes, it should be fine.

  6. yes, just make sure that the notebook paper is folded with good tight creases or else the envelope will look like more is in it and they will want to charge you more

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