
If everyone in Britain stopped buying illegal drugs,what would happen next?

by Guest63014  |  earlier

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Seriously,what do you think would happen to the economy,politics,school performance,and the country as a whole.Would the British pub trade come roaring back?




  1. Good question attracted the normal sort of answers expected especially "addict" what an idiot. Go do some extra drugs boy and off yourself as soon as possible. The effect would be immediate and totally beneficial to all levels of community, same as with many other things, but the only way it will happen is if there is a sea change in everybodies attitude. STOP giving druggie scum support they chose to use drugs why should my hard earned money go to support there habit. How would they feel if they had to support my lifestyle.....typical low esteem idiots that we are churning out of schools these days no motivation no desire no ambition except to extract as much as they cna from the system without putting anything in. Should all be rounded up and put on one of our many islands to dry out. Then give them jobs and make them pay all the support they have had back.

  2. Most drug users hold down jobs and pay their taxes.

    Why shouldn't they get out of their heads if they want to, its their bodies, lives and minds.

  3. Agree with marrod1206 above, but don't just let them go cold turkey in prison, make them do work in the community while going through the cold turkey period. Why should we pay £500 a week for them to sit in a cosy prison cell, when they could clean our town's for free and hopefully reduce our council tax bills.

  4. I think the crime rate would drop and anyone working in the rehab industyry would become millionares!!

  5. I think it pays the government in many ways to have a drugs culture. Of course it could be stamped out if they really wanted it to be. The economy might improve due to a down turn in crime. More kids might attend school if their parents were not so much under the influence. I am sure there must be some politicians who "indulge" so maybe their performance would improve lol.  There are only two reasons for the decline in the pub trade.... Cheap supermarket booze and the smoking ban. I blame this government for both.

  6. The pubs, bars, taverns, distilleries, would be dried out.  There would probably be a lot of pregnancies due to beer goggles.

  7. Less burglaries, thefts and murders. Then more people would actually feel safe to go out at night meaning the pub trade would pick up. Not sure about school performance, I mean if the kid is stupid enough to do drugs, they can't have much of a brain in the first place. Less burden on NHS, meaning better service.

    Illegal drug users are the scum of the earth, and deserve all the sh*t they get.

    I say also, let them go cold turkey in prison when convicted, serves the f*ckers right.

    I guess anyone giving me a thumbs up is in agreement, and anyone giving me a thumbs down is a user!!

  8. There would be a revolution.  Gordon Browns head on a spike at the Tower of London, next to Tony Blairs.

    The illegal drugs business is kept alive by the Government, keeping millions of people sedated and stupid is good control for the restless masses.

    Think about it. We could stop the illegal drugs business in a week if we REALLY wanted to.

  9. Drug dealers will quit their their business and will no longer be selling drugs.  That would be the demise of the drug business if no one will buy drugs.

  10. the music stops,

  11. sorry but I am with marrod1206 on this one, drug users are the scum but more so there drug dealers! Situation is if there werent illegal drugs someone would snort/inject/smoke something else harmful and sell it on as the next big thing. Why people cant go to the pub have a couple of drinks, mix with friends, have a fun night, go home, have s*x and go to sleep cuddled up is beyond me.

  12. osama bin laden would no longer be such big a problem. we are in fact paying for the terrorism that wrack's our own country. + if we stopped buying illegal drugs, the crime rate would drop to next to nothing.......and seeing that the legal system is the biggest employer in the country, and has all the power to do as it pleases...theres no way its going to let you take its customers away. the legal system is no longer in place to protect you. its a business. and criminals are the valued customer. and we 'the stupid tax payers' bank roll the whole sorry mess.

  13. don't be silly.

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