
If an 18yr old teen is arrested for drinking beer, what type of offense is that?

by Guest45224  |  earlier

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If an 18yr old teen is arrested for drinking beer, what type of offense is that?




  1. official term is "minor in possession"

  2. In PA it would be "Purchase, consumption, possession or transportation of liquor, malt, or brewed beverages".  It is a summary offense.  Operating privileges suspended for 90 days (does not matter that you were not driving a vehicle), and be admitted to a preadjudication program.  This assumes it was your first offense.

  3. its under age drinking. you'll go to court. you could end up with a ticket, a ticket and fines, probation. just depends on the judge. and im sure its only a misdomeanor

  4. I got caught drinking alcohol when I was 15 by the police.  I was arrested and ended up in juvenile hall for 30 days.  

    Of course that was not my first offense.

  5. all depends on the judge. most of the time its just a ticket and a warning

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