
I want to join to the Scientology church, but I don't have a job, can I still join?

by  |  earlier

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Yeah, there is one near to where I live and I felt the desire and all that and I'm totally into it, I'm joining... but I don't have a job and only have $63.00 left in the bank, would that be a problem? Do they accept humble people *looks at herself in the mirror* there?

One of my biggest dreams in this life has always been to meet Tom Cruise also




  1. They will welcome you with open arms after you give them your $63.  

  2. *chuckle*

    I don't think Chuck Norris would approve, young lady.

    Besides, you wouldn't get very far at all if you can't pay.  Honestly, EVERYTHING costs... that is, if you want to "advance" at all in the "Church".

  3. I have a musician friend who is "Level 7." They are poor as a church mouse and so they have worked off the cost of the classes and auditing by performing at a COS owned hotels and events. They've spent about half their year each year doing this. But no meetings with Tom Cruise. COS Pres David Miscavige is his only close buddy in the church.

  4. Princess, you would have better luck trying to sprout wings and fly to the moon than trying to join a Scientology church with only $63.00 in the bank.  Plus your boyfriend, Chuck would roundhouse kick Tom Cruise if he caught you hanging out with him.  Chuck is a jealous guy.  :)


  5. 1) Horrible idea. Google it and find out. Your life really depends on it. Seriously.

    2) Xenu the galactic overlord

  6. Scientology is a load of BS. Don’t waste your time. Why would you want to meet Tom Cruise? The guy is a complete nut.

  7. You need to be a celebrityy! lol

  8. Don't even go there....

  9. Maybe Tom & Katie would hire you to do something. I hear they employ a small army already, what's one more?

  10. They only seem to want the V E R Y rich and the V E R Y famous. That should tell you all you need to know about them I think.

  11. OK - I'm not going to bash Scientology for their beliefs, because quite frankly, Xenu the galactic overlord doesn't sound any dumber than the story of Noahs Ark or a number of other religious beliefs and stories.  

    The reason I think you should stay away from Scientology is because  it was created by a science fiction author who has been quoted as saying "The way to make a million dollars is to start a religion."  

    Furthermore, Religion should not have a price tag on it.

  12. nop you need money for it believe me i used to go to one and they just want ur money, at least in the one i used to be.

  13. $63.00 won't even pay the cover charge to get you in the door. hang out around Oprah's studio and Tom will show up eventually. Plus you are way too sweet. They only like people who are jerks.


  14. Do the Church a favor and don't join.

  15.     it was  created by a science fiction writer!!  how can it possibly be true??

        they want  $$$

  16. Sigh.

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