
I took 2 drops of oil of oregano. I came down with a severe headache and low breathing. How can I stop it?

by  |  earlier

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The headache and low breathing has persisted for 30 days. The headache is more a feeling of grogginess or numbness, than an ache. At times, the headache is severe.




  1. You have to be careful of the source of your herbs!! Some are imported from south america and if not tested may contain anything from arsenic to heavy doses of pesticides!!!

    Those idiots down there -some up here to be fair - will destroy anything with anything to make a couple of bucks!!

      Call your poison control agency -give them the oregno to sample and they can advise you !!!!!!!IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Some of the oils you buy are made for topical use only...

    You've got to read the label carefully before using anything...

    And  "alpenweg", infact your country "up there" has a reputation for exporting all kinds of poisons and waste products to countries all around the world to make a "few bucks" so try to

    think and act  fair instead of just pretending...

    Good Luck

  3. I would get to you're doctor fast.

    Oh and hope you feel better :)

  4. this one is for the doc...

    go see one asap!

  5. Herbs can be dangerous because despite whatever claims they make---it has the potential to be dangerous even without added pesticides or whatever was added from South Americia as said above me.  The best thing to do is to get a good book about Herbal Remedies from a place that is NOT trying to sell you something.

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