
I need help with nouns?

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dont make the answer too smart, this is for 9th grade.

Name six ways that a noun can function in a sentence. Give an example of each function of the noun.

thanks for your help! :)




  1. A Noun is a person, place, thing, or idea.

    person: Kanye West

    place: Washington D.C.

    thing: iPod

    idea: freedom

    A noun is an interesting part of speech.  It can function as a subject:

    1) Kanye West is in concert tonight.

    It can function as an object of a verb (also called Direct Object):

    2) I love my iPod!

    Note: A Direct Object answer the question 'What?' of a verb; so, 'what do you love?' iPod.

    A noun can also be the object of a preposition (I hope you've done prepositions).

    3) The capital of the United States is in Washington D.C.

    It can be even an adjective, meaning that a noun describes another noun. We'll use Kanye again:

    4) I think Kanye's music is awesome.

    Here, Kanye describes 'what kind' of music (music being the noun).

    A noun can also be a predicate noun. Meaning a noun that follows a linking verb.

    5. This is freedom.

    And finally, a noun can be an indirect object. Meaning that it receives the action from the direct object:

    6. I wrote you a letter.

    This one is a little more confusing, but here goes... Understand that to have an indirect object, you have to have a direct object.  Can you see it? Ask: "What did I write?" A letter, right? O.k., now ask "To whom or for whom did I write the letter?" You! This means that "You" is the indirect object because it receives the action of the verb.

    I hope this helps! Take care

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