
I need help with math ?????????????

by  |  earlier

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Q is the midpoint of pq (with a line over it) p has cordonites -3 -1 and Q has cordonites 0,1 find the cordonites of R





  1. find the slope of the line first

    delta Y / delta x

    -1-1/-3 = 2/3

    so point R has to be up 2 over 3, so R(2,4)

  2. To find the midpoint, use the midpoint equation:

    midpoint: ((x1 + x2)/2, (y1 + y2)/2)

    (x1, y1) = (-3, -1)

    (x2, y2) = (0, 1)

    R = ((-3 + 0)/2, (-1 + 1)/2)

    R = ((-3/2), 0/2)

    R = (-3/2, 0)

    This is the answer if R is the midpoint of PQ.

    If Q is the midpoint of PR, the coordinates of P are (-3, -1) and the coordinates of Q are (0, 1), then:

    We can still use the midpoint formula:

    ((x1 + x2)/2, (y1 + y2)/2) = Q = (0, 1)

    (x1, y1) = (-3, -1)

    (x2, y2) = R

    ((-3 + x2)/2, (-1 + y2)/2) = (0, 1)

    (-3 + x2)/2 = 0

    -3 + x2 = 0

    x2 = 3

    (-1 + y2)/2 = 1

    -1 + y2 = 2

    y2 = 3

    Coordinates for R: (3, 3)

  3. The slope of the line segment is 2/3 (y increases by 2 as x increases by 3). For point Q to be the midpoint, point R must be the same distance from point Q as point P is.

    The x distance from P to Q is +3, the y distance is +2. That means point R must be 3 units farther right than point Q (x = 3). Point R must also be 2 units above point Q (y = 3).

    Point R has the coordinates (3, 3).


    Was that a typo when you wrote "Q is the midpoint of pq"?

    You did mean "Q is the midpoint of PR", right?

  4. R = (2,4)

    answer mine please!;...

  5. 6 4 are the co or inate of the point  

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